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Zouhair's Birthday

This is my 23rd birthday I wasn't expecting any gift from someone. I'm used to celebrating just by a cake with my parents. This is my first year married away from my parent's house and the first birthday with my wife, every day we spend with each other is a celebration for us. I had two beautiful gifts in this year one from my wife and the other one from Mary (my wife's aunt). That was so great. My wife's gifts: The day of my birthday Sunday morning we went to see a tour of horses in Tetouan City called Moroccan Royal Tour. We took nice pictures and we enjoyed our time in that beautiful place. She wanted me to choose any meal I wanted, it was the Crepe and this was the first time in my life I ever had it, it was so delicious (Crepe with Banana and Nutella). The second gift was from Mary. She remembered my birthday, as my mom did without notification from Facebook or another modern notification. She sent the package on the 22nd of September from the US early to be in Morocco on the same day as my birthday. When I opened the package I was surprised! I liked everything especially the Halloween pumpkin and baby socks. Mary sent a package full with cute gifts and cards from Family.

  1. Cards

  2. Cakes

  3. Happy Birthday Banners

  4. Candles Package

  5. Baby Socks :)

  6. Napkins

  7. Halloween Pumpkin

Thank you Habibti for the nice Crepe and thank you Mary for the perfect gifts you sent to us .

Happy Birthday

Birthday Gifts

Birthday Gifts

Crepe with Ice Cream


The Moroccan Royal Tour Gallery



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